Publishing Mistakes you Want to Avoid

mistakes in publishingOver time, the way in which we market and advertise has changed substantially. We are firmly within a digital age and the online publishing industry has overtaken print. Publishers are having to change from traditional methods to new online platforms full of modern technologies that can greatly improve your business. However, many publishers tend to make mistakes during this transformation. Below we’ve outlined some common publishing mistakes to avoid.

Not knowing your audience

One key thing to remember in the publishing industry is to know your target audience. It’s essential that you know the needs of your readers if want to maximise profits. When you are familiar with your audience’s needs, you can create content that’s appealing to them. The content you use as well as the language must be communicated in a way that your audience will connect with. The more you concentrate on the needs of your audience, the greater your profits will be. Know your audience and direct your content specifically for them.

Having scattered goals

Starting with a clear goal is imperative in all kinds of business. If you don’t have clear revenue goals and if your advertising strategy is vague from the beginning, you’re more likely to struggle in the industry. Before pleasing your customers’ needs you must have your company goal clear. You must be careful not to damage your company image early on as your reader’s perception could prove hard to change.

Boring and Repetitive Content

It’s great to post interesting and engaging content on a regular basis. However, some publishers tend to over-publish and this can be damaging. Unless the content you are publishing is fresh and new to your audience, you should avoid pushing out repeated content. Avoid boring your readers.


Tracking offers an incredible advantage for online publishing over print, therefore make the most of it! A good company will effectively track all activities and gain a greater insight into their audience.


Your user’s must feel comfortable when reading your publication and you can aid this by leading the eye in and breaking up the page into a grid. Use a template style that best fits your content and be careful when positioning images and text on alternate pages. Remember, what may have worked well for print will not necessarily work for online. It’s important to adjust your original design to best fit your online publication.

Not Advertising

For many publishers, the majority of their revenue will come from advertising so why exclude this from your marketing strategy. Banner ads for example generate a lot of revenue.



Don’t forget to pay attention to SEO. You want to appeal to the algorithms of the top search engines, so be sure to optimise your flipbook by including keywords. Try not to overdo it with keywords as you don’t want your flipbook listed as spam. Choose terms and keywords that are specific to your content.

Not Making the Most of Branding

Build your brand across as many mediums as possible, think brand awareness, website traffic and enhanced revenue. Make the most of all branding options, remember with digital magazines companies can include background images, a company logo, banner ads, a customizable intro, info buttons and more.

Not keeping readers informed

Be sure to interact with your readers and keep them posted! When you’ve published, or released new content you should always let them know. With the release of a new issue, send out a notification or email to your readers. You must also be careful not to come across as too pushy, don’t spam them and force them to unsubscribe.

Not Marketing Effectively

After all the effort put into creating a digital edition, don’t let it all go to waste by failing to enforce strong marketing campaign. Market your magazine effectively through as many mediums as possible and ensure its easy to locate on your website.

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