What Is a Digital Flipbook?

A Digital Flipbook is usually a small print book that contains a series of images that when leafed through quickly, generates the illusion of an animation.

Digital Flipbooks are interactive, digital recreations of print publications. Digital Flipbooks copy the look and feel of reading a physical book, magazine or brochure with the addition of interactive elements and Media such as Video, Audio, Web links and more on the pages.
Digital Flipbooks are generally created using Flipbook software solutions that convert print PDFs to Flipbooks. The software then lets the publisher add media and other interactive items to the Flipbook.
An example of a Digital Flipbook can be found here.

What Is a Digital Flipbook?

How Do Digital Flipbooks Work?

Digital Flipbooks work by using standard Web technologies in the HTML5 specification to render pages in a book-like appearance in Modern web browsers. The Flipbook solution handles gestures and events from the browser to allow readers to interactively “flip” or turn the pages of the book.
Media and embedded items are added to the pages dynamically as the Flipbook is read.


Updated on March 27, 2020

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