Experios allows you to save your publications as templates for later use. This is particularly useful if you plan to create a series of publications with similar or identical layouts.
Saving Projects as Templates
To save a project as a template, click on the main Experios menu and then Save As Template.
You will be prompted to enter a name for your template, and to assign it to one of the main template categories (Brochure, Magazine, Report, Newsletter).
Using Templates
To use a saved template as the starting point for a new project, select Create New from the main Experios Menu, and click on the template category that your template has been saved to.
Your saved template will now be listed alongside the other templates from that category.
Deleting Templates
To delete a saved template, when viewing the template category to which you have saved your template, click on the three dots next to your template’s name, and select Delete from the dropdown menu that appears.