For inserting and editing text, Experios offers a text editor containing a wide variety of common formatting options. These include:
1. Font Style
2. Font Size (Expressed as a percentage of a user’s device default)
3. Line Height (Expressed as a percentage of a user’s device default)
4. Letter Spacing (Expressed as a percentage of a user’s device default)
5. Copy
6. Undo/Redo
7. Select All
8. Bold/Italic/Underline
9. Remove Formatting
10. Text Alignment
11. Insert Link
12. Text Color
13. Text Background Color
By clicking on the three dots at the far-right of the text toolbar, you can show or hide the following additional options:
1. Subscript/Superscript
2. Numbered/Bulleted Lists
3. Decrease/Increase Indent
4. Table
5. Transform text to Uppercase/Capitalize/Lowercase
Font Styles
Experios has a predefined list of font families available through the text editor. This list can be edited by clicking on Add more fonts…, which appears at the top of the Font Family dropdown menu. This will open the Favorite Fonts panel, which will display the fonts currently available to the Text element (My Fonts) on the right, and a list of fonts which can be added on the left.
By clicking on a font which appears on the left of the panel, it will be added to your My Fonts list, making it available for use in the Text element.
To remove fonts from the My Fonts list, click on the ‘x’ to the right of the font name.
Custom Fonts
You can also upload your own fonts to Experios for use in your publications. To do so, click on Upload Font in the Favorite Fonts window. This will open a system dialogue allowing you to select a font file from your device to add to your list of available fonts. Supported file types for adding fonts are .otf, .ttf and .woff.
To remove a custom font from your My Fonts list, click on the ‘x’ to the right of the font name.
To remove a custom font from your project entirely, click on the Trash Can icon to the right of the font name in the left-hand column.