The Flipbook editor The Flipbook editor is where all your customisation takes place for your Flipbooks. The editor consists of 4 panels. The...
Adding audio to your Flipbooks Flipbooks offer several ways of including audio. Audio options are accessed via the Audio tab in the right panel of...
Designing your PDFs for Flipbooks Online Our online platform takes PDFs and converts them into cloud-hosted digital publications that can be viewed on desktop, tablet, and...
How do I reset my password for Flipbooks Online? Resetting your password When you first create your Flipbooks Online account using the registration page, you will be able to...
Error – ‘The PDF you have chosen is too large to be processed’. If you have added a PDF to Flipbooks Online and you receive this error (below), please send us your PDF....
What web browsers are supported? Supported Browsers 3D Issue Flipbooks Online is compatible with all modern web browsers! Below you can find some example web...
Tutorial: Hot Folder for Flipbooks Online In this video tutorial we are going to see how to use the Hot Folder app for Flipbooks Online. Transcript...
Adding Image Galleries Photo gallery, picture gallery Image galleries can be added to Flipbooks in two ways; Pop-up via Hotspots and buttons Embedded...
Side menu features explained You can access the side menu at any time when logged in to Flipbooks Online. Let’s explore what each of...
With the online platform, can I update my PDF without having to redo all my links again? Yes, this is possible. When you click the Replace PDF option, you will first be asked to import your new...
Webhook Publishing Webhook Publishing allows you to link Flipbooks Online with your own webservice. This method provides a Zip archive of your...
When I add a PDF to Flipbooks Online, nothing happens. It just remains on the same screen. If you import a PDF into Flipbooks Online and you just keep seeing the screen below, please follow these steps....
Change Page numbering start position Some publications make start their page numbering on another page within their PDF. For example you may use a cover,...
My Intro image is not displaying on mobile devices The intro image will only be visible on Desktop and Tablet devices. The reason for this is due to the...
My issue is stuck on 90% with the spinner showing continuously If your issue is stuck at 90% with the loader continuously spinning, this may be due to the naming of...
Guide to Setting Up Google Analytics 4 in Flipbooks Online In your Google Analytics account admin area, create a new property. Give the property a relevant name and set the...