I receive the error “Sorry there appears to be a problem. This publication is not registered on this domain”. regsitered on domainTo resolve this problem, please follow the steps below:not registered to be used on this domain It may...
MP4 Videos are buffering to the end before playing Q: I’m having issues with my MP4 files, they take a very long time to load. A: It appears that your...
When I try to view my flipbook locally on my computer I receive the error “Sorry there appears to be a problem . This publication is not registered on this domain”? Unfortunately viewing your Flipbook directly by using the index.html inside your project is not available. If you wish to view...
When I try to activate the software I receive an D1-3010 error Caution! This is not the revo uninstaller support site. If you found this page in Google Search and are a...
3D Issue can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed. This is due to current security preferences in MacOS. Please navigate to your Security & Privacy settings by clicking the...
Mac – When I login to the software I receive an D1-3010 error This error is received when our licence server is not accepting requests for your Mac computer. Can you please reach...
The videos I add are not playing There are a few common problems that cause video not to play. These are the most common causes of video...
I am receiving the error – Failed to initialize conversion plug-in This message can be received if you have not allowed the conversion server to startup before attempting to create a...
Why can’t I see my website when using the ‘Webpage’ feature? There are two common causes for this to occur. If a flipbook is hosted on a secure website (https://), it...
My upload is stuck in the queue. What do I do? Please follow the below steps for Mac and PC. PC Navigate to the Queue Manager from your system tray as seen...
How to clear your browser cache Why do I need to clear my browser cache? Your browser saves certain files and settings after downloading them for...
When I try to access the software I receive the error “There is an issue with the network settings blocking the software from authenticating this account” Can we please get you to check if you are you are behind a firewall or going through a network...
Why am I seeing blank page(s) within my Flipbook? Blank pages are most commonly caused by; Importing your PDF from a network/remote drive. If this is the case, please...
Why are my project files so big? In version 9 of our software we have introduced a new solution that allows our customers to create mobile-centric digital...
When I try to open the software I receive the error Licence Error Validate (17) If you’re receiving the license error validate (17) error, this means that there is a conflicting license file stored on...
I am getting a Mac activation error 3001 This error can be received if communication with our server is being blocked by a firewall or other network setting....
When I run the software I receive an (D1)-(1024) error This error is caused by a conflict with the licence file. In order to resolve the issue can we please...
With the Desktop Software, how do I change the name that appears within the browser tab of my flipbook? To change the name that appears within your browser tab (as seen in the screen below), please follow these instructions:...
How do I reset my password for Flipbooks Desktop? Resetting your password If you need to reset your Flipbooks Desktop account’s password, please send an email to support@3dissue.com. This...
When I share my flipbook on Facebook, it shows the 3D Issue logo instead of the cover image If you are manually uploading your flipbooks online via your own FTP client, this problem will occur. Uploading via the...