Binary – Submission The binary tab allows you to provide information about how your app should be built and packaged on the App...
Graphics – Submission Hi-res Icon This is the icon that will be used both in the App Store and in Google Play as...
Firebase Configuration – Submission Before starting. You’ll need to create a Firebase project. Learn how to do that here. Head over to the Firebase...
Creating a Firebase Project Sign Up for Firebase Login to Firebase with your Google Account. Using the same account as your Google Play developer...
General Information – Submission General Information allows entering data for the App Store & Google play listings. It also tells our team a little...
Create an App on App Store Connect First we need to create an Apple App Id. Copy the App Package ID that you have just entered above...
Submit your App App submission happens in 3 stages. Provide Data & Graphics Request an app Review Invite 3D Issue to your Developer...
Generating Apple Developer Resources yourself. As mentioned in other articles on App Submission, it is possible to generate the App Store Certificate, Provisioning Profile and...
App Submission Requirements Before submitting your App to Apple and Google you’ll need to meet the following requirements An Apple developer account. You...