Background Images, Colors and Gradients Most elements in Experios can have a background applied. This may be an image, a solid color or a gradient....
Publishing When you are ready to share your publication, you can publish it for sharing by clicking on the Publish button...
Working with Blocks Blocks are comprised of a set of elements which have been designed into a section of a page. They are...
Project Management Panel The bar along the top of your browser window is the Experios Project Management Panel. This will be populated with...
Custom Blocks Experios allows you to save layouts that you have created as custom blocks, which can then be easily reused by...
Images and Image Galleries There are a variety of ways in which to display images in your Experios publication. The Image and Image Gallery...
Spacing and Padding Experios has multiple options for creating spacing, margins and padding within your pages, allowing you to position elements just how...
Embeds The ‘Embed’ element allows you to embed content from external websites (such as video from YouTube or Vimeo) within your...
Contents Menu A Contents Menu can be added using the ‘Project Settings’ panel (opened by clicking on the cog at the top...
Adding Content Select the Add Content panel from the Control Columns in order to begin building your page. Content is grouped into...
Video The Video element allows for the embedding of video content from YouTube or Vimeo, as well as your own video...
Rows and Columns (Responsive Design) Pages on Experios are made up of grids, consisting of rows, which in turn contain columns. These allow the page...
Shapes Experios has two elements for creating basic shapes in your layout. Rectangle The Rectangle element allows you to draw a...
Accessibility Experios provides various features which can be used to make your publication more accessible. These include: Accessible Viewer Settings When...
Styles An overall style can be created for your publication under the Style tab in Project Settings. Styles applied here...
Viewer Settings (Theme) The Viewer Settings tab allows you to customize how your publication will be presented in the Experios viewer. Settings relate...
Dashboard When you log in to Experios for the first time, you will be brought to the Create screen. From here,...
Working with Pages An Experios publication, like a physical publication, typically spans a number of pages. Pages can be added, removed and reordered...
Element Properties Settings for each element in a publication can be modified using the Properties Control Column. Available properties differ depending on...
Developer Tools When Developer Tools are activated, through the Advanced tab of the Project Settings panel, additional options become available, allowing developers...