Adding a Pre-Built Cover Follow the steps taken in the previous section, it’s simple to add a pre-built cover to your publication. Whether you’re...
Working with Shapes – Rectangles Adding shapes can be a great way to fill your responsive pages. And Experios’ rectangle function is a simple way...
Adding Lines The “Line” tool on Experios serves a similar function to the “Spacer” and it’s a great way to visually separate...
Adding Borders After adding features like images to your canvas, including a border can help to make them stand out in your...
Using Pre-Built Page Layouts Experios offers lots of pre-built page layouts that allow content creators to build professional publications quickly and easily. Removing the...
Adding Interest With Animations Animation can add visual interest to the different elements in your publication. The “Animation” settings can be accessed in the...
Adding Quotes The use of quotes can help to break up large chunks of text and is a good way to highlight...
Building Your Publication, Page By Page After creating the first page of your publication, it’s simple to add more. Choose the type of page you’d like...
Adjusting Video Settings In the “Settings” section, there are some advanced functions for video. Don’t forget to preview how your video will look...
The Properties Panel To access the “Properties” panel, you need to be working with an element on the canvas otherwise the “Properties” tab,...
Great Page Design Using Headers The pre-built headers on the Experios platform are a nifty way to perform functions like breaking up text-heavy sections or...
Settings Experios users can adjust the properties for each element or feature in their publication. Simply select, on your canvas, the...
Using Experios’ Advanced Settings “Advanced”, the final section in the “Properties” panel, offers content creators greater scope for customization. The tools in this section...
Enhancing Backgrounds Choose “Background” from the “Properties” panel. If you’d added a row to your canvas, for example, you could choose to: ...