How to Increase your Online Magazine’s Subscriptions

How to Increase your Online Magazine’s Subscriptions
There aren’t too many publications that aren’t utilizing the inherent power of the internet by the establishment and maintenance of an online presence, if there is they really should start to ...

7 minute read

Build a Strong Alumni Engagement Strategy

Build a Strong Alumni Engagement Strategy
An essential measure of the strength of a school is its Alumni. Schools with healthy Alumni involvement and support add immeasurable benefits to an institution, from admissions and development to ...

3 minute read

Reasons to Create an Interactive PDF

Reasons to Create an Interactive PDF
3D Issue offers many features which are major time savers for publishers. One of these features is the auto detection of some elements already in place in your PDF content. In this blog post we shall ...

4 minute read

Want to make a profit from your online magazine?

Want to make a profit from your online magazine?
Nowadays, online magazines are growing in popularity and as a result there are more opportunities than ever to make a profit.  This blog deals with the key steps to consider in how to make a profit ...

2 minute read

On-line newspapers versus print newspapers

On-line newspapers versus print newspapers
In this blog post we will identify some of the key advantages which exist for Newspapers specifically with regard to digital publishing. Also to be considered will be why moving to digital editions ...

3 minute read

4 quick ways to promote your online e-magazine content offline

4 quick ways to promote your online e-magazine content offline
So you have created and published your digital e-magazines, you have spread the word via your website, social media accounts and your email marketing subscriber lists. Now your online promotional ...

1 minute read

E-Books vs Print Books

E-Books vs Print Books
Following on from our article last week eBook Market Share , here we look at E-books vs print books. It has been well documented that E-books have grown in popularity significantly over the last ...

1 minute read

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