Whats the difference between version 8 and version 9?

New Uploader / Queue Manager

Because 3D Issue FlipBooks V9 generates more files than previous version to achieve increased page quality, the flipbook conversion time has increased also. Because of this, we have implemented a new Queue Manager.

As you proceed to build a flipbook, the conversion and upload process is moved to the queue that acts separately from the main application. This means that you can start working on other flipbooks as others are getting processed in the queue, saving you time especially if you need to produce multiple flipbooks in a short period of time.

Enhanced quality flipbooks

3D Issue FlipBooks V9 creates an additional unique version of each publication specifically designed for mobile readers. As the screen sizes, browser memory and caching allocation are much smaller, we developed a new technology that essentially breaks each page into hundreds of ’tiles’, then only loads in the part of the page that fits within the device’s screen whilst also loading all other parts of the page around that current view.

So, what’s the key advantage of this new technology? It increases the quality and loading speed of your mobile editions.

What’s the difference between the mobile version with v8 and v9?

Simply put – the page quality and the speed at which your flipbook pages load on mobile devices has been improved in this latest version of 3D Issue Flipbooks.
The “tiler” technology ensures that you’re always viewing flipbook pages at the optimal quality regardless of zoom level or the resolution of the mobile device being used.

Page transitions and pinch gestures have also been made smoother than what was found in previous iterations.