
The Company

Foróige (meaning “For Youth” ) is an Irish national organisation working with children and teenagers to develop entertaining courses which they can participate in. Foróige, as a youth organisation, was formed on November 13, 1969 and has over 26 regional offices throughout the republic of Ireland and several other branches throughout the international Irish diaspora.


The Problem

Foróige is a national organisation that has many branches throughout Ireland. Each branch runs their own events and courses. Each club also has its own news and social media audience.

As a government funded organisation and as a youth organisation Foróige had to monitor the flow of information to their audience. They needed to have a centralised hub that they could monitor all content coming through their platform but wanted to give each club or branch the ability to create and publish that content to their audience.

More than any other market, their audience was mobile first. It was imperative that their content was delivered through an app and they didn’t want to have to create an app for each branch.


The Solution

“Foróige used 3D Issue’s app platform as it offered a unique feature that set it apart from any other platform on the market. It allowed us to create a library app.

When our audience downloaded this library app, it would show them the list of ‘club apps’ available. They could then choose the app that was relevant to them and then start reading the relevant content. It allowed us to easily customize and personalize the content around each reader.

We could then assign each app to the different branch leaders and this would minimise our day to day management of the platform. That ability to offer multiple apps within a single downloadable app is truly unique.