Create an Interactive Digital Magazine with Rich Media

Create interactive digital magazineAlthough rich media isn’t the only thing that makes your digital magazine stand out, it’s certainly a big part of the equation.

Creating this type of content as a part of your digital magazine may not be easy or simple, to help you get better results and make the process easier, here are a few tips:

1.“Loveable” ads on a creative interactive digital magazine

First you need to understand the difference between a standard banner ad that’s been on the web for around 20 years now and the fresh and engaging rich media advertising.
One of the biggest pros of the use of rich media is that it allows you to create ads that engage your audience.

The analysis of the data you’ve gathered from your previously published digital magazines, should give you an idea of how you can connect your advertising with your content in order to get better results.

Here is an example:

Let’s say that you have a digital magazine about fishing nets and a reader opens it. The reader is a beginner and is trying to find out how to throw a fishing net.

First of all, based on your data you should know that you have a certain user base that seeks this type of information.

So now that you know that, why don’t you include a video ad with one of your advertisers fishing nets, showing how that’s done? The user will find what they are looking for, the advertiser will be showing his brand to a potential customer and providing valuable content at the same time, and you will be stablishing your digital magazine as a profitable advertising platform.

2. Use an interactive table of contents

Your readers expects to find how to solve his problem as soon as possible, an interactive table of contents and thumbnails with images will make it easier for them to navigate through the magazine and find the content they seek with just a click.

3. Create an informative, valuable and engaging article

Use rich media to make an already interesting article more compelling. Add a video with an interview, the background sound of a river, an animation etc.

4. Dash of social engagement

Place social elements in your digital magazine and promote it on your other communication channels.

Put share buttons and link to your different social accounts so people can get in touch with you and your brand.

You can achieve all this with our digital magazine publishing platform, read more about it and start your free trial in our products section.